Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Friend Question??

i have this friend(really a real friend) and she never smiles she has no emotion what so ever.isnt somthing wrong with that??she never talks to anyone but her friends.you can make her laugh but never talk.Ive been her friend for 1 and 4 quaters(in school)and ive heard crap like she hasnt talked since her 2 best friends moved away from school and that was like a couple years ago.shes really shy i mean really shy .ive beeen there for (you know) and ive talked to everyone and im friends with alomost evryone.Im not trying to be mean but its just very odd.Why do You think she does this cus i have no clue and dont harr me becasue im talking about my friend i just wanna know why she never talks i would die without friends i will probaly die because im on spring break now just give me a frickin answer as to why she never talks!!!!

My best friend's Christmas present. Can anyone offer me inspiration?

How about a nice wine and cheese gift basket? You can get these at most markets, and they range from $25 and up, depending on how much you want to give.

How can I remember which Olsen twin is the anorexic?

I am always getting confused between the two. Which one was/is the anorexic? And which one is dating Lance Armstrong? Is there like a poem or mnemonic I can use to remember who's who? Can you make one up for me?

Relations with America?

i read yesterday that Mr Brown is trying to patch up our relations with America//if he wasn't so dour and made an effort to be friendly perhaps it wouldn't be needed/it was obvious when he met Mr Bush in America the two didn't hit it off as Maggie and Blair always did/ So Mr Brown i suggest you make it a priority as we need America as they do us like we need both our arms/just let people know a bit about you as no-one seems to know you or anything about you/ Be a man and set the country ready for a general election and lets see if the British public want you in No 10!! i feel very uncomfortable with you at the helm

How to open a power unit for Bissell Big Green Clean Machine? 4 unconventional deep well fasteners..big pain.?

My Bissell Big Green Clean Machine of 10 yrs. has low suction yet motor is fine. Tubes are clear, motor rpm fine. No air leaks anywhere. I think the impeller may be fouled with fiber or dog hair. How then to open the stupid power unit? There are 4 holes in the gray plastic module, deep welled to ensure the poor customer great difficulty opening it, forcing you to get it "serviced" for megabucks. Shining flashlight down a hole I see a metalic "something" like a rivet..not a slot or phillips screw, allen, hex bolt etc.. How do I open that power unit? I don't want to pay some cluck 35 bucks to clean dog hair out of an impeller.

Are you healthy???? do you take care of your self?

i take good care of myself and exercise regularly, i have a great body but i still eat a lot of junk food. i dont smoke or drink. at the same time though im self destructive and dont care much about my safety or well being so i put myself in harms way a lot. but thats just stupidness, not necessarily not being healthy.

Will I be too under dressed?

if your jeans are a skinny fit then you will look cute.. if they are too boot cut you could end up looking to casual.. just put the outfit on and see how it looks

Can the state charge back child support is the mother has not requested it?

I live in CA. I found out that I am paying back child support for three years of payments that are not in my order, nor did my ex request. Can the sate charge me back child support, if it is not in my current child support order, and was not requested by my ex. The child support says she is not entitled to back child support, and that it going to the state. She did receive aid for 11 months, which the repayment is in my current child support order, and is payed monthly. The court order I have is for a balance of $3540. This is repayment of while she received aid for our son, plus a current monthly payment for 295.00. She and I are trying to figure out why on the child support payment statement the balance started at 13,000.00, and has been payed monthly since 2005, never missed a payment, and it is only moved 1000.00 per year. She is addiment that she never received any money for three years, or requested it. how can the state take monies for back child support and NOT give then to the other parent?

In Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" What is uniquely problematic about DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons?

Bioaculation. Did you know that, at one time, human milk had so much DDT in it that it was over governmental limits?

R vamps good and demon and people?

Well it depends on the vamp. Some, can be very kind, but some can be truly evil. One more thing, why in the world are you being so open about being a vamp!! Are you out of your mind??? Ok that's all.

Outfit help/suggestions???

I'm going on a bachelorette party this weekend and need a cute outfit! Weather forecast is 80 for a high, 62 for a low. We will be at an outdoor winery in the afternoon and bars/clubs in the evening. I'm slim, tall...uhmm...that's about it! Thanks guys!!

When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

I thought it was with the pilgrims and the indians, but a friend of mine that is an atheist said Thanksgiving is a peagan holiday, just like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentine's Day. He also said that if people realized it wasn't a Christian holiday, but a peagan one, they would get upset and freak out, so that's why everyone lies about it. So, what's the truth here? When did the peagans in Europe first start sitting down at a table with a turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie, say grace with their families, and give thanks to their God for the harvest and blessings in their life? Anyone know around what year they started doing that?

A deranged parent.....................?

you need to appreciate your mother is from a different generation, raised with different values. i dont agree with her but im sure at the back of it all she has your best intentions at heart. if this is the only problem tell her you would rather not discuss the issue with her as her point of view frustrates you!

Im so sick of my hair :( please help?

my hair is up to my shoulders and its VERY thin i have a few layers but not much because i dont want to make it even more thin and i have a pathetic excuse for a side fringe. my forhead is really high to and i dont like my hair line. i was wondering what hair style would suite me? everyone always says get bangs because of my forhead but i dont have enough hair to spare for bangs! i wear extentions in my hair to add thickness but it just looks ridiculas because theres no shape to my hair. everyone seems to be wearing middle artings lately and i think it looks so cute but it woul;dnt suite my big head :( ughhh i dunno what to do. pleaase help?

Is riding in breeches okay on a pad?

if the combination of horse sweat and ur own wetness gets together then it will be a slippery mess.....dont make the horse work up a sweat and dont get too excited urself and u will be ok in either outfit.........

What are some good Vodka based drinks that aren't a screwdriver,minderaser,vodka+c… vodka+cranberry?

I like vodka (even the flavored stuff) but I want to try some new tails that are mainly vodka based in that they only have vodka in them or mainly have vodka in them, anyone have any suggestions?

What are the govt. schemes for unsecured and subsidised loans for disabled and by which banks?? pl suggest?

pl guide me in detail what are different schemed by govt. for unsecured loans for disabled for business and about banks and banks policies...

Should Freedom of Speech Be Abolished?

You can have my gun when you pry my cold, dead fingers from around it. That goes for my speech as well pal.

I have been feeding for 9months and have had A LOT of breakage around my temples and crown, why?

The last month or so I've noticed a large amount of breakage concentrated around my face, why is this happening and what can I do about it?

Why does anyone think Obama is a good president?

What he did that you are not going to see is to start laying the foundation to stabilize the nation. Republicans jacked it all up, and then want to claim that Obama is responsible. Democrats had the opportunity to help get things right, but are to stupid to understand that they once again wasted an opportunity. However, your question is not really looking for answers. You are set in your opinion, but you are way wrong.

14 weeks pregnant already asked once, no answers. REALLY CONCERNED.?

there is no need to be worried, its normal to spot every now. the only reason you need to worry is if you can fill up to pads of blood in a hour (what my hospital said when i went cause had the same concern) don't stress tho, that's the worst thing for the baby! good luck tho girl!

Which country do you think is the most conservative(does not do premarital too much)?

Could you also list from number 1 and all? Which country do you think has more respect in virginity? I understand that of course, there are some people who are doing premarital in every country, but, which country does not do premarital that much? That country could be Saudi Arabia, China, Korea, or any other country you know... Thanks guys...

Why do cons think "political correctness" applies only to them?

Because libs invented PC because they have no basis fpr debate "treason Card"? you have got to be kidding the libs like pelosie kerry murtha and others have proved which side of the fence they are on

Statute of Limitations on a defaulted car loan.?

The only "SOL" is on your part (s#it outta luck). This is a loan, not a law so you will owe it until paid off. Your credit is probably already taking a hit for this bill.

♪♥Beatles♥♫ Family: I Just Had The Scariest Nightmare! What Does This Mean?

OMG! That's scary. When you go to sleep, think about you being Paul's girlfriend! Or that he has a huge crush on you!

I need help with Roman Numerals!?

17+44+79=140 AND 923+540=1373, i need to know how to write each number in those 2 problems in Roman Numerals! Help!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

What to domiscarriage?

I had a miscarriage in June 7 and i went to get a sonogram to see if my baby was still there and they said its no sack i don'tt know to much about it it but i heard something a bout a d&c its been a month is every thing okay can i have kids?? i am 19 with a 1 yr.old so any one help and inform me about a miscarriage

In MTG: Does Deathgreeter count when it dies?

Deathgreeter states: You gain 1 life for each creature put into the graveyard from play. Does Deathgreeter count? If he is the only creature I have and he goes into the graveyard, do I gain 1 life?

Getting ready for tournament season in Taekwondo so I need help?

Can someone give me a good regiment . I go to cl 3 too 4 times a week work at my job about 9 hours day like when or how do I can or do more for the season .Just looking for ideas by the way I'm a 34 black strip only been in 2 tournament's in the past 2and half years.

I havent heard from my first love in a year, and i still reallu miss him. what do i do?

Im 19/male,and i think i already have a 1stlove.When i was in a foster home after my dad got rid of me,i lived w/ a ton of guys. The first one i met,Pedro,i couldnt stop thinkin about him.i was very attracted to him.he was def the hottest guy i had feelings for,but his personality and mine clicked.he seemed gay/bi at first,but i neva asked.i had crushes before,but not that intense.ppl told me its just anotha crush n that imma get ova him. well, he claimed to be"hetero"and "metroual". he had friends before. but on the otha hand,he n i kinda flirted,a lot. he couldnt do much to upset me, thats prolly y he knew he could mess w me easily around otha guys,but in private, we went to da mall.i called it a date. he updated my style too.well, at first ppl wasnt sure if he gay/bi/straight.he used me before, n we had probs b4,but his true colors showed b4 he ran away ova 1yr ago.he wanted to be my roommate,n it was kinda romantic.its been ova 1yr,n i still miss him.is it love?will we meet?

Can anybody help me solve this please.?

In an experiment a student was asked to determine the density of a piece of metal,she found that an empty beaker weighed 31.601 grams and 99.323 grams with a piece of metal in the beaker. The metal was placed in a buret which measured 24.15mL of water. The addition of the metal raised the water level to 16.51mL.The density of the metal was?

What do you know about...?

Ghosts, astral projection, I-ching, yin and yang, brains, eunuchs, skin, planets, humans, apes, s, genetics, , castration, Nazis, gelding, Partial AIS, gypsies, albinos, exorcism, tarot, horoscopes, numerology, palm reading, souls, DMT, witchcraft, bestiality, astrology, beer, Krampus, prophecy, dowsing, cloning, cannibals, demonology, Knight's Templar, rabbit's feet, dried intestines, talismans, the pope, priapism, Bermuda Triangle, Area 51, herbs, human sacrifice, faith healing, voodoo, Santeria, drugs, immortality, Kama Sutra, golems, auras, Kabbalah, EVP, alchemical elements, Illuminati, flying saucers, hollow earth, rubies, runes, scrying, crystal , teacup readings, channeling, Ouija boards, ; secret society's, zombies, mermaids, aliens, cyborgs, vampires, torture, jackalopes, lochness monster, yeti, big foot, nymphs, flying nuns, autopsy's, and Vlad the Impaler?

What does a baby's first tooth look like when it is coming in?

My son has been aggressively chewing his fists for weeks, has lots of clear, watery drool and has been cranky today. Could he be teething? He has a little white dot in the very front of his bottom gum line but I can't tell if it is on top of his gum, under it or what. I can't feel it at all but he seems to enjoy it when we rub his gums. He is only 3 months old though.

How to act more seductive?!?

Im under 18 so im still just a child. But i could really use someones mastering skills to help me. Thanks!



1991 honda accord?

i took my car in to get smog he said i ame getting to much fuel and did not p smog is this the injectors or the cat please help

Searching really, really hard for song, help?

Okay, I've done about four searches for this song. I am sure it had the lyrics ' it up' somewhere on it, but, maybe not, as there does not seem to be a song that says that, not with the 'ing', anyway. But, it was ''. Everybody in My searches, keeps pointing me at songs that have lyrics like, thump it up, and, while it was probably 't' I heard, it was 'ing' sound, I know that. So, if anyone, and, I mean anyone, could point out any song, from the 80s, because it was on an 80's mix on the radio, that was sung by a woman, with the lyrics '', 't', 'bumping', hell, a-zumping 'it up'; well, I've been offering to send fifty bucks to anyone who can help Me find it. No joke, I will. This song has some serious emotional connotations for Me, and am kicking Myself that I couldn't hear the name. Damn radio stations. So, anyone, please, help?

Do girls find these attractive?

yes! they are so "cute"/cool, amazing looking on guys, if you can pull it off. if you can, GO FOR IT!

Can you believe this?

This is what you get when you have too big of a government and when people keep voting in the same worthless dummies all the time

How come my heat protection spray makes my hair feel so brittle?

I ALWAYS use heat protection spray when I straighten my hair, but whenever I use it, it makes the ends of my hair feel brittle! Without it, my ends are smooth and not dry at all. I'm concerned about this because I don't want any breakage to occur with my hair. I use Marc Anthony smooth and straight heat protection. Perhaps this isn't the best brand? Any suggestions?

Despite distractions, isn't the heart of this economic meltdown about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

The subprime mortgage meltdown could never have happened if Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae did not ever audit and examine the bundled subprime mortgages they bought for years and years. Like they just didn't ever think of that, duhhhh? Absurd! It is just like another Ponzi scheme with a special twist. They knew, they knew from the day they started buying ARMs in the mid eighties. It eventually broke the S&Ls (government bailed them out) but they regrouped and continued on with this horrible crime. These people not only robbed us, they took a bit of their loot and bought the White House. Can't anyone see through this?

Do we have grounds to take our landlord to court?

We are constantly getting notices for bogus stuff and now we have a letter saying we owe money or need to vacate within 7 days. We never got previous notices about these fees and we have felt discriminated against since we moved in. There's no proof we got all these notices or anything.

Define love in your own words?

i think love is when u can b around a person for hours and never get tired of what they have to say someone that makes u think about them all the time.love is when u skip a heart beat when u think about him/her touching u or kissing u..love is when u believe or know that u can b with this person forever and ever to the end of time!!!!!! LUV U =)xoxo

Linear Regression in Excel?

Okay, I have two sets of data. One for x and one for y. Can someone tell me step-by-step, what to click on to do a linear regression? All I need is the R^2 value. I have excel 2000, thanks so much for your help in advance!

Ive been told where i got my dentures made has been shut down how can i find out where do i look on my compute?

the denture center located in chatsworth georgia, i was told got shut down ive still got my primary liner to go what do i do

To ex-spouses and custodial parents, how many of you give "leeway' to the other?

i have always taken my ex husbands feelings into consideration but i feel as though he never returns the favor! i don't want my son to suffer because his father is a pr***. i gave up trying my best a few months ago & started playing him at his own game, he soon realized that he was acting totally irresponsible and needed to put his son first and stop acting like the 40 year old spolit brat that he actually is!

Thinking of getting dental implants. need info?

I feel as a child and broke my teeth. I need to have them recrowned and also I need to have partials put in 3 spots where I have lost other teeth on the top row. I have alot of dental problems and was thinking of having the top ones removed and getting dentures. What are the steps and cost if anyone knows. I have excellent insurance but would still like a price to get a idea before I go talk to a dentist. Thanks

POLL: What do you think about school violence?

For the third time in a little over a week a bomb threat was discovered. This is serious this time. Everyone was told to go to the gym. Our cl had to go in the cafeteria to finish a Physics test (which was hard) and sit there for an hour taking the test while everyone else was in a gym. The kids seem to be suspended and come back. The problems go and come back. The bomb squad was called as well as the firetrucks. Were the actions taken proper? It seems this stuff continues to go on. We never had stuff like this in previous years. It was rare for something like this to happen. Now the school is becoming mor violent. Hopefully not as violent as Albany, NY schools. They are terrible sometimes. It is a damn shame. Can't get an education with these idiots running around. Still don't know you did it. It also seems to be the younger kids in like 9th and 10th grade. The 11th and 12th graders are more mature.

Car die when drive, after replace alternator ?

Looks as if your alternator is working. It's a Mitsubishi, so you should expect it to break down a lot.

Good minimal music artists?

Minimal house, tech, etc. Some of my favourites are the ones signed under 3 Liquid Hz Records, such as ICS, Danmad, Alfred R, Ricky Ambilotti and Alexandra Marinescu. Any others I may like?

Does she have feelings for me?

it seem like she does. if your interested in her go for if it, gave her signs that you like her an ask her out but if your not gave her signs you just wanna be friends

Which one of Ash's pokemon deserve to evolve the most?

i think that ash's corphish deserves to evolve because of the reasons you have said. i also think he should evolve because he was the only one in ash's party at that time that didn't evolve

Random Matches?

Uhh, half of the superstars are either Dead or retired, the ones that still wrestle suck, andthe other half are just plain obvious,

How can people think Clinton is trustworthy?

I often ask myself the same question. But even most people I have encountered, like some of the Hillary supporters who came to Philadelphia for the PA primary... know she has lied about some things. They just don't think it's that important "we all lie to make ourselves look better" was the response I got... well, perhaps lots of us have... but it is not a trait I want in a leader. The American people want and must demand a greater level of truth and answers from their government. Most people spend more on the federal government alone than they do on their car, or their house, and they deserve honest answers, progress reports, and results.

If sperm is d outside the vigina lips[labia] can a girl get pregnant and what are the chances?*REPOST?

Yes, i was wondering this. I am 18. and me and my soon to be husband hd and he d outside the virgina right after . my legs werent closed, when he did it, it went right on to my lips or virgina area. Im curious. could you get pregnant this way? NO NEGATIVITY--YOU WILL BE REPORTED. THANKS!

The most amazing girl just dumped her boyfriend...?

try and talk to her about it, and let her know she is totally good enough for even the best people out there.

Should I make a comeback to football?

Dude, fades aren't run from the goal line for any number of reasons, no space, defense played by the DB, etc. That and you calling a WR a split end makes me think your question is BS.

Im going to Disney World?!!?

Well Im going to Disney World in July 31 im staying 8 days, and im staying inside universal studios, "Portofino Hotel" since we got a package we have free express tickets like fast p, well my question is what r some good events in Universal and in Disney world?, and what r some good attractions in Universal, ive gone but I havent like measurd myself and I dont know in which rides to go, I havent gone to the 2 towers, I think its called doctor dooms free fall,m and I havent gone to rockin roller coaster, and soarin can you tell me how r they??? oh and I also havent gone to HULK! =D I cant wait!

How can i confront a liar?

ok so i know this girl who claims shes 7 months pregnant, but she doesnt show at all, im 30 weeks pregnant with a girl and my belly is HUGE, when i bumped into her belly it felt wobbly, and i told her i wanted to see sonogram pictures and she told me that the doctor said she doesnt do sonograms like come on i have gotten around 5 sonograms already 6 at 32 weeks, and then she said she did the diabetes test and said she has to go back in 2 weeks to get the results LOL thats such a lie, cuz i had to wait at least 2 or 3 hours to get my blood sugar levels read after i drank the liquid, and they told me i do have diabetes, so how can i confront her? oh yeah and i also saw her smoking so help? i want to confront her because she said that she wanted a bathtub for her baby and i bought it and she never sent me the address for her baby shower and she has no pictures or anything to prove. or shud i just beat the sh*t outta her?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

10 year car trade-in plan?

ok my car is exactly 10 years old now... my wife's is 2 ... its empg is 35 hwy.. its more around 29 (and yes you enviro-pinkies its a Toyota).. now my 1999 American made SUPERCHARGED Buick Regal gets 32 actual mpg .. why do i need to trade it in on a NEW car that is gonna give me 32 mpg,, i feel that by keeping it i am not using up resources to produce a new car.. thus i am CONSERVING ENERGY that you so diligently seek... so the question remains why do you wanna force me to get rid of a car that is better than what i can get now?

Isn't it narcissistic of Ted Kennedy to keep his Senate seat?

If he's so ill and he cares so deeply for healthcare reform, why not step down now for the greater good? He's terminally ill and often very sick. He was so sick a week ago that he couldn't go to his sister's funeral.


would this look good with jeans on the first day of school . the one I have is a blue with gold stripes tough a href="http://www.target.com/Juniors-Xhilaration-Open-Back-Foil-Tee/dp/B0017T6XPY/qid=1219517812/ref=br_1_9/602-1745955-4363838?ie=UTF8&node=400560011&frombrowse=1&pricerange=&index=tgt-mf-mv&field-browse=400560011&rank=-product%5Fsite%5Flaunch%5Fdate&rh=&page=17" rel="nofollow"http://www.target.com/Juniors-Xhilaratio…/a

Incredibly Scary Tense Movies?

Dead-alive 1 and dead alive 2. About zombies in the woods, old but clic!!! Not just reg zombies, just watch!!!

Could I be pregnant?

i'd take a a HPT around feb 4th if you tend to be 'regular' and get your periods every 28 days or so...if not, wait a little longer (if you can). resist the urge to test before then-test won't be accurate. Good luck. I always confused PMS w/being pregnant. my husband always figures it out before i do. :)

Is this alot of food?

So today I had some no added sugar muesli with sliced banana and apple juice, chicken sandwich with dried apricots, an apple, light chioces spiy beef pasta (400 cals, 5g of fat) and a toffee yoghurt (50 cals, 0.2g of fat)...Im just trying to cut out junk, not go on one of those crash diets, will i be ok with this?

Chemistry, gas property question?

Answer only if you know ,please. A gaseous sample of pure substance "Y" is found to have a density of 2.029x10-4 g/L at 0.243 Torr, 395.8K. Calculate the molar m?

How can I make him realize that I really AM in love with him, and she's not?

first let me say i am sorry you are hurting. it is not right what he did, and it is not really love. i want to tell you this because we fall in love with who we think someone is, and when they show us who they are it hurts so much, we ignore it or say we can move past it. that's okay if you are married to someone, because they obviously loved you enough to marry and commit to you and you should honor your commitment. but you are young and this guy took advantage of you and it is going to hurt for a while. the good part is, you are young and it is only going to hurt somewhat and you will still be able to fall in love with that good guy God has in store for you, you have to follow that. Good wishes.

How long for a cat to adjust to new food?

Sounds like something is wrong, not just the food your giving him. I would take to a vet to make sure. Anytime we have changed our cats food if it agrees with them they are ok in a week.

Keith Urban or Brad Paisley?

Hands down Brad Paisley. Both are far from my favorite but at least Paisley has a somewhat wider range. Keith Urban pretty much only sings sappy slow love songs. I saw Brad live last summer and his song "Alcohol" had the crowd going absolutely insane. Of course it helped that the show was in Wisconsin (the drunkest state in the nation) and the song also mentions Milwaukee.

Are people kidding or is this real?

I do but as a joke. I haven't heard anyone use internet lingo outside of the use of computers., that'd be sad.

Do we know of the time period of 14 generations from Yhoshua (Jesus) to now?

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. Mat 1:17

Do I have a horse Ranch and a horse Farm or ?

Hi I live in Northern Ca. and I own 5 acres. I have 5 horses one pair of Miniature horses that I breed once in a while and sell the off springs. My stallion has covered other mares. I have been here over 20 years and now I want to think of a name for my place but I am not sure if I have a ranch or farm or maybe there is another way to put it ? Thank You

PLEASE help on basic physics problem?

how fast can you set the earth moving? in particular, when you jump straight up as high as you can, what is the maximum recoil speed that you give to the earth? let you m be 83 kg and your maximum jump heigh be 0.350 m. model earth as perfectly solid object. i got 3.46 x10^-23 but it wasnt right

This guy repeatively is calling me a Hippo? Grrr! T___T?

That is sooo ignorant. I have some very stupid guys at my school, but none that horrible. Seriously if I were you I'd go to the school counselor and have her handle it. I used to go to the counselor for all of my problems but then she started getting pissed off at me for coming so much :D I hope I helped!

After a rectifier capacitor can be used for the purpose of filtering,higher the capacitor lower the ripples..?

What they mean that is for AC capacitors used for Power factor correction & Inverter shaping,It should not exceed more than specified.. In DC Circuit Higher capacitor Lower ripple CONCEPT is ok.What is your Rectifier Load accordingly your capacitor selection may vary.You are not mentioned About Rectifier capacity & Load Current & what type of Load? is it Purely Inductive?

I'm afraid of dating women!?

just remember that not all women are the same even though it may seem like it. there will be someone out there for you just have patience.

What kind of conversation is this? Is this banter talk?

Bantering is like playful debating, or arguing. The "normal" talk you're referring to is a bit stiff, no? They're just having fun. The other kind of talk probably came from wherever slang came from, which is a million different places.

Should I just chunk this computer?

I'm stressin here b/c I don't know all this comp lingo and don't know how to find out what's wrong with my computer. The comp tech says I have 7 viruses, no backup disks have ever been made and that I have to pay him 175 to "maybe" fix it. What to do? I don't know where the problem lies in the computer, should I just buy a new one? I NEED HELP!!! I'm taking 3 internet cles in college and can't not have a computer. lol So....trash it or pay the big bucks. Is it fixable?

Am I crazy? i am seeing weird shadows and highlights and stuff winch shouldn't be there.?

I see that alot mostly out of my left eye though.. just don't be scared those kinds of shadows and lights and ripples I don't know what or who they are but they cant hurt you at all..

Rate these albums? ?

I've never heard of a single one so either a) they really suck, or b) i really need to listen to them and find out :)

If there weren't any operators, what would happen to nuclear power reactors?

If you saw the show"a day without humans"on the national geographic channel,they said,that eventually the power would shut off,which in turn would kick in the back-up generators,but then,like you said if there was a plague,there would be no one to refuel them causing the system to shut down and the reactor to reach critical m,overheat and explode.It was an interesting show,but it also was a "Bad humans" and humanity type vibe from the environmentalist point of view.(Typical of them)

How can I fight Toll road ticket in Irvine? Please help me?

I've just recently moved to Irvine, CA and when I took Walnut/Jamboree to get to Marketplace (freeway5/Jamboree), I was confused when I saw the sign "261/Frwy 5". I thought that toll 261 is on Frwy 5, so I stayed on the left lane to avoid taking the toll road. I then realized that I was actually on the toll road when the divider turned yellow. Immediately, I took the exit on Irvine Blvd. A week or so later, I got a toll road ticket for $50. I've never taken toll road before and this was my first time in Irvine. Does anyone has any suggestion on what I could do to avoid this outrageous fee? If so, please help me.

Agree or disagree: If your religion is The Truth, then any conversion tactic is permissible?

No, because if a religion is the truth the believers have to demonstrate it by following the truth. Moreover each person has the right to be truthful to themselves, therefore not every conversion tactic is permissible.

Help! do you think it's a bad Idea to get pregnant at 43?

I have 3 daughter of my previous marriage , and been married for 12 years with my actual husband we've never had kids of our own, now my daughters have married too, and have their own lives and in all I have 5 grandchildren , I look young to the point that no one believes me I have grand kids, and it's not just to make me feel good, because mostly everbody tells me so. my daughters support me and don't have an issue about my age but at the fact that I already have grandkids, what would you recommend me.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is calling a korean chinese like calling a Salvadorian Mexican?

do you think its racist because chinese is the most common asian nationality and mexican is the most common narionality of Meztiso (native american/spaniard)

I REALLY need to know this...PLEASE answer!?

I had an eating disorder. It went on for a long time. No, you do not have one and if you think in your mind that it would be cool for people to think you had one you have problems. It is not cool and I about killed myself from it. I am 5ft 8in and lost down to 90 lbs. I kept a secret journel of everything I would eat or drink each day. Trying to make yourself throw up once or twice isn't a disorder, but you need to stop and stop it now. I got to the point to where throwing up was controlling me, if I didn't do it, it ate at me until I did. So then I just stopped eating all together, if I ate even a cracker, I'd feel so fat. If people told me to eat and that I needed to gain weight, I'd get really defensive because I thought they just wanted me to be fat. Thank God I'm over that now. I'm blessed to even still be here. Stop it before it does become a habbit. Best of luck to you.

Is activa better or aviator?

so what your really asking is : is pooping regularly better or the movie that was Directed by Martin Scorsese. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, about aviator Howard Hughes' career, from the late 1920s to the mid-1940s? if so than I would say the movie was better

Name all the movies from these categories that you know[info inside]?

vantage point, i am legend, war of the worlds, sniper(1, 2 or 3) black hawk down, apollo 13, bullitt, french connection, or star wars

Does this guy like me?!?

Okk well i met this guys about 5 months ago and we became best friends!!! He tends to flirt alot and yet he insults me at the same time. Even one of his guy friends came up to me and said he thinks he likes me. wow. And once we were at my friends house, me him and another friend. and he and i were sitting by each other on the couch talking then he starts to tickle me then i end up on the floor so i scoot back into the corner so he cant tickle me. then 2 minutes later he gets up and starts crawling into the corner and i scream "NOOO!!!!" and he goes "calm down, i just want to sit by you" so he goes and sits right next to me. then he started flirting a little again!!! DOES HE LIKE ME!?!?!

Desingning a guest house to be a perfect teen hang out spot?

we are moving and there is a guest house/apartment and i get to decorate it(within reason) for me and my friends to hang out in...i need some cute ideas for a superb teen hang out house...not too outrageous but cute and cozy and spunky

Aeronautical engineering after 10th?

Aeronautical engineering course is provided by only few universities in India, including some of IITs...so u first need to choose Science - Maths as ur stream in 11th cl...n thn when u r in 12th...try for various engineering entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE etc...if u get gud score in them...u'll be able to get Aeronautical engineering branch in sm college...

Sanjeev agnihotri his wife amita/poonm agnihotri & his brother Manoj Agnihotri took large amount of rupees apr?

Sanjeev agnihotri his wife amita/poonm agnihotri & his brother Manoj Agnihotri took large amount of rupees aprox 30-35 lacs fron different people including me withoutany proof imosnally cheeted us now the have left their house located ib bahadurgarh which is under loan from icici sone people say that they have gone to west bengal for new start how we can search them

How long do I have to find another place to live?

I'm currently renting an apartment, almost like a duplex with the owners being my neighbors. We recently had a discussion over the parking space that pertains to me. I feel like they are going to ask me to move because of this. How long do I have to find another place to rent, legally I mean. If they were to kick me out, do I have a week, two weeks, a month? There is no contract by the way and i've been renting on a month to month basis. Thanks.

Apartment lease extension related question?

The new lease is what you go by. The old lease means nothing if expired and a new lease is in place.

How much would this tattoo cost?

No one can really answer this well because it absolutely just depends on your location and the shop you're going to. I mean, i have a professionally done tattoo that starts at my hip bone and goes up and wraps around my side a bit, it's about 10 inches long and all black. It cost me $85. Your best bet is to just go to the place and ask them, just show em the picture and they'll tell you right there.

Who are more promiscuous, boys or girls?

Hell when I was young the last thing you wanted to be was a ...Men still wanted good girls these days the men have convinced all the women they like bad girls so I say the dum men have gotten exactly what they have always ask for a bunch of sluts ..Girls definitely more promiscuous..but its the greedy mens fault because they stop liking good girls and instead wanted the /prostitute/lezi/stipper/bitches so they get what they ask for dum *** men!!

Is nursing school hard??

I am 23 years old and planning on attending nursing school in august. I am also a single mother of a small child, Is lpn school hard?? I'm a little scared about doing the whole school thing again since its been a while since i have been in school because a dropped out of college to have my daughter an now that i'm a single mother i know a have to make a good living for my child. But anyway...... just wondering how difficult lpn nursing school will be.

Atheists: do you worry that the place called hell might be true?

One day you're fine and dandy on earth and then the next minute you find yourself in hell. Isn't that prospect scary to you atheists? It's not too late, though. Jesus proclaims that anyone who comes to him in faith will be saved from eternal damnation (John 3:16). Don't gamble your eternity by utter foolishness.

Uggh, stupid dog. How do I make sure he doesn't get sick?

Some dogs just get so excited to eat that they don't stop, Its not uncommon. You should try to feed your foster dog at a different time than your other dogs. And just monitor how much the dog eats.


Yes it is but you shouldn't number your entries. Also it should be double spaced and in each individual citation you should indent every line but the first one.

Has Iran's military FINALLY caught up to 1943 weapons technology?

Actually, it is nothing like the V1 as that weapon used inertial guidance and was a one-time use cruise missile. The Iranian drone is a re-usable remotely controlled weapons delivery platform, probably based on a target drone of some kind. Fundamentally different in concept and execution and actually quite an accomplishment for a 3rd world country under a 30-year arms embargo - presuming it works.

Do you know any good drinking games?

Me and my friends wanna play some drinking games, but we cant find any good ones. There was 1 i remember but i dont remember the name or the details. It's the drinkin game where you all have a drink and if you have done what they say u have to take a drink or sumthin like that...HELP !!!

Rock Band B Pedal?

it's just part of the game he will have to learn. tell him to try what i did. play the drums on easy because u don't have to hit the b pedal very much. i'm still learning how to play on a difficulty higher than easy because like him, it throws my coordination off bad.

How to sell pedigree cat?

I have a Bengal cat with pedigree papers that I need to sell/re-home. Where's the best place to advertise her sale? She is 7 years old but she is still capable of breeding with. I need to re-home her as she is very timid and needs gentle handling. I now have a one year old daughter who is always trying to stroke her and I dont want her getting scratched/bitten.

Does David Stern fix games?

It seems like in a lot of the recent playoff match ups, the officials have been heavily favoring one team. In the Celtics-Heat game, Boston couldn't defend LeBron or Wade without drawing a foul (even if the play was clean). Also, during the New Orleans-LA game, it seemed the only points Kobe was getting was via free throws. Does the commissioner actually fix these games, or is it just a rumor?

Is Britain big enough and strong enough to take on Russia in the ongoing diplomatic wrangles?

Britain had its own sins too. All this diplomatic tit-for-tat with Russia can be traced from events that goes far back years ago. Remember that in the past Britain also rejected Russia's extradition requests of the Russian crooks and oligarchs wanted by the Kremlin and now taking refuge in Britain. Now, the tables had turned and it's Britain's turn to have their requests rejected.

Ever noticed that people use yahoo too dependantly?

Hi and BOY am I glad that I am not the only one who has noticed this trend. They want an answer and they want YOU to do the research when they would be better off doing it themselves. Plus, people no longer know how to spell correctly. As you stated above in your question, most of what is written is not even proper English. You don't even need google to answer the question if you bookmark the reference pages that you will need to know the things that you are asking. There are tons of reference sites to obtain answers to many things, like I use Medline for any medical questions that I have. It is a site that doctors use to look things up.It would,most certainly, answer "how many band aids"-LOL! I am so glad that someone has asked this question. I thought that I was the only one who noticed this happening. Thank you, thank you and, again, thank you. I hope that your life is a great one!

Should it be accepted that gays are allowed to have children?

I think that it's more important that children have at least two loving caring parents, whether they are two dads or two moms. ity does not "rub off". Being gay does not equal being promiscuous. It is not about how many partners you can get, any more than being straight is. You notice it more, because it is a different lifestyle and many people fear that which is different be it gender, color or culture. Stop being afraid, stop stereotyping. Take the time to get acquainted. Everyone is not out to touch your body, you aren't that special.

Need help with these dogs?

Is this your job as a volunteer? If so then you should be going through your shelter's channels to do this. They will tell you what information to include and what to write. If this is not your job then you shouldn't be doing this. Shelters and rescues in the same area already have relationships and work together. You do not own these dogs so you can not make any decisions about whether they are giving to a rescue or not.

Can anyone give me advice?

so about a year ago i dated this girl (lets call her #1) , we broke up (not really sure why) and ive always felt like she coulda been 'the one', well finally i get around start dating again and im about to date this one girl [(lets call her #2) well #2 is #1's best friend o.O] well #1 comes back and says she has feelings for me and that night i go 'as friends' ta the movies with #2 and have a great time... but the next day i decide i still have feelings for #1 so we start datin again... now i feel like #2 got lead on (not intentionally, i was gonna date her) and now im thinkin about leaving #1 for #2 but i have REALLY deep feelings for #1 what do i do????

I can't get a diagnois for my 3 yr old daughter any ideas? Please help!?

we have been to ortho, genetics, behavior and neurolgists. Presents with-leg pain accomanied by occasional limited mobility ociated with the pain, speech delay, regulatory & sensory disorder, acid reflux. sleep apnea, obesity(61lbs.) Height(104cm) head(53cm), behavior problems,numerous cafe-au-lait spots(not neurofibromaosis), palpebral fissures slightly upslanting,synophrys of the eyebrows, broad nasal bridge with epicanthal folds tip is slightly anteverted, long lashes, mild nasal mucosal edema, ears normal, chest & cardiac normal, generalized joint hyperextenibility and soft muscles, bilateral four finger lines, right proximal palmar crease is hypoplastic, lumbar lordosis, knock knee, neurologically tone decreased, mild dysmorphic appearance ,hirsutism, high arched palate, excessive thirst & urination. Already ruled out- Fragile X, Prader willie,DiGeorge, Angelman, and Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. Anyone have any ideas? No one will work with her behavior until diagnosis. Please help!!

Who gets more abuse? Tea Party or Gays?

The tea party gets a lot of joke questions but seriously, how can they compare to the beatings, ridicule, and bigotry they dish out onto others?

Do we have any common sense in America ? And do you trust our Government ?

Personally i think the american people are as nice and hardworking as the rest of the worlds people, but its not just america's government that is bad, look at North Korea, China, Peru, Belarus, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, zimbabwe etc. so to be honest the west are quite lucky

Can hunching my back hit my kidneys?

The position, sustained, may impact circulation to muscles and bladder/ureters/nerve sensation. if you know this does this, then stop. drink more water, fluids, a little bit of urine is not enough. Is it dark yellow? if so, dehydration or renal damages in progress. kidneys are under lower ribs. You're overstressing body/circulation impairment. Even repetitive typing causes sore neck muscles/carpal tunnel sx etc.

How do I pull myself out of the funk I've been in? Needing a fresh start?

hey if you have the money to move like that i say go for it! New scenery and a fresh start. It may be just what the doctor ordered.

Questions about shotgun trigger pull (and other implications of the following scenario):?

I wouldn't want to comment on the case, but a 7 pound pull is a lot. It's only an inconvenience, not something difficult. And a shot gun does pack a hefty recoil, that could easily make it jump back three feet.

Another homework question?

the gerald family uses 45 pounds of crisped rice cereal per year. how much do they save by buying the 18oz. box for $3.50 than the 12 oz. box for $2.75?

Has fish oil taken on a whole new meaning after the Gulf catastrophe?

How can anyone who lives in that region trust any of the food they are eating after the oil spill. It will only be short period of time before their entire food chain supply is contaminated.

Because you're 18, you think you can stay out as long as you want? The law calls you "adult"?

How is the mentality of an 18 year old Superior to a 17 year old in today's times? A Mature person would respect the rules of the house and NOT stay out till midnight! WHAT is open at Midnight? WHO is out at midnight? I dont think18 means ALL BETS ARE OFF ND YOU CAN WALTZ IN AT 3 am if you want without a smack in the face.

Do spirits/entities dislike when changes are made to a house?

I have to the full acceptance that my house is haunted. I live near Native American burial mounds and have had experiences in my house all of my life. (Objects moving, footsteps, a shadow figure, doors opening and closing themselves including undoing locks) Ah the list could go on forever. For the most part i'm not afraid anymore of the spirits in my house as they don't seem malicious or evil. But I just have a question. Do spirits/entities "dislike" when things are changed in the house? This past week I've completely rearranged the furniture in my room and now there have been things happening nonstop. Number one, since i've rearranged my furniture, the lightbulb in my nightstand light keeps burning out, turning on, and in a few instances the entire lamp has been knocked to the floor. None of the nightlights I try to use will work (they either won't work when I plug them in in my room and work fine else where, or they will work for a while and then burn out during the night). Even the kitchen light has turned on in the middle of the night, and on another night the broken fan above the stove has turned on. These aren't electrical problems (as some will, i'm sure, suggest) nothing of this sort has happened since the day I made the changes, I feel it is paranormal. Again, my question is could it be because I've moved some things around that I've upset these spirits/entities?

How does pete wents do his hair?

pk so i have black hair and it long like his. how does he do his hair?i really want to learn so please help

How come Yahoo never answers back when you contact them with any kind of questions that are not on their FAQ?

I asked Yahoo a question over a year ago and many times afterward as to why when I 1st signed up for my yahoo account,(mail etc) after about a month I tried to get into my account and they keep telling me that my user name or pword was invalid and I even have a copy off the paperwork from the day I signed up that proves them completely wrong?( I printed it out so I would remember it all in case I forgot) Since then I had to make a whole new account and still have never gotten and answer back from them and now the name I signed up with can never be used again by anyone and I tried to tell them that of course it is because I signed up with it but to this day I stiil can't get into it or an answer back from them!!!! It really meesed me up in alot of ways because my main address name is different now somewhat from my yahoo one because of this!

Can god and free will be compared to a mafia racket?

They will say he's not punishing nonbelievers, but rather saving believers from the normal punishment they "deserve". But it's a ridiculous argument, because he created the punishment process in the first place. He didn't have to. By creating hell, he's responsible when people go there. The default could have been simple painless annihilation instead of eternal suffering.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tax on footwear sent from usa?

Any ideas roughly the amount of tax i will pay, on footwear being sent from US to UK. The items being sent are no more than �250.00 in value.

Does anyone know about the workings of 4x4's I'm totally at a loss?

A month ago or so I noticed that the (service 4 wheel drive) message appeared o n my 03 Tahoe's l.e.d readout. I really didn't think much of it since manufactures have warning lights come on at different mileages and this coincided with 100,000 miles. It did it a couple more times and I talked to a mechanic while getting my oil changed and he said the oil in the differential was probably low. Everything was good for a couple of weeks and when I would start it I noticed it was in 4 low or maybe 4 auto. It would go back into 2 high though. Then I noticed that the neutral light was on while I was driving. I read in the owners manual that that light should only be on while towing the vehicle. I took it to a shop and they told me the differential was communicating fine but the front pinion seals needed replaced and they replaced them. Everything was good for two days and I it started in 4 low this morning. Does anyone have a clue? Please help

Was Jesus handing out a drink of Colloidal Gold ?

Blessings....Jesus...wow! When I was in a coma, I walked with Jesus on the nile,while I watch from the other side of the river of what seemed like a grand conversation.an I'd have to say as a woman,he is a very handsome an charismatic gentleman.I believe Jesus was also a physic clairvoyant,who could not only see into the future but also was a healer. do I think he used this stuff;not so shure,but if he did,it wasn't in the quantity now a days would use or describe properly.If I go with my son's bracelet"what would jesus do?" I think that he would of feed an drank with the people no matter what...the message was greater than the food...blessed be....!

Does she still like me and want to go out with me?

Maybe she really likes you but either a.) shes with someone b.) she likes u but isn't ready for a relationship. c.) she likes u but is too busy or she doesn't know what to do. d.) she wants to but is too shy. or maybe even she's trying but she just hasn't stepped up to bat and is still swinging on the side. :)

Little brother problems.....?

i have a little brother...hez 11. he is SO annoying! i tell him to stop being annoying nd my mom gits mad at mii..... he tries to sing songs,he is always makin annoying noises,nd he gets me mad on purpose!!! wut should i do??

Can you work out this riddle?

Answer to your question from the Best Answer. You give people 10 points by making them have the best answer. If you get a best answer you get 10 points. If you just answer the question you only get 2.

Rewards1 - Status: Request?

Ok, well I am new to Rewards1 and just recently received enough points to buy an Xbox Live 1 Month Gold Subscription. I looked under my rewards summary and it says the status is "Request". What does this status mean? Is it on its way? Is it being processed? Does rewards1 even know of my request yet? How long will it take for it to arrive? I read that requests usually take 0-3 days to process and order. (FAQ) Its been about 3 days, so what should I do?

Did you hear about the brutal murder in Brooklyn?

I live one neighborhood away in Bensonhurst (this happened in borough park) and it really hits close to home for me. My son is 10 and he has been begging me to let him walk home by humself and up until last week I was going to let him start walking home alone in September. But now after this happened I don't think I'm going to let him go home by himself.

Why did the Mayans switch from solstice orientation to the sun?

I am writing a paper on Mayan architectural structures coordinating to celestial bodies. Apparently, the first structures coordinated with the solstice/equinox. Later structures were heliocentric and involved the zenith of the sun. What would be their reason for switching architectural coordination?

For the old timers: What car did you or your family own that you wish you still had right now?

We owned a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Station Wagon, Black with a white top with black and red upholstery. It was solid and reliable. My brother owned an orange '57 VW bug with the tiny rear window also. I like the Chevy the best though!

How long does it take .. cruise from ft. lauderdale to bahamas?

i'm going on a cruise and we're leaving from ft. lauderdale, i would like to know how long it will take to get to the bahamas.

Which frame eyegl is better?

When cycling I find that the wrap around style is best, it keeps the wind out of my eyes, which is especially important when cycling in dusty conditions.

What are the best pair of beats headphones?

Please pick any pair other that the pro...they are to expensive. I want the most comfortable and least amount of sound leakage. Thank you

Smackdown VS Raw Stone Cold Steve Austin Confirmed?

The Rock has more talent and charisma, but if Morrison stays more dedicated than the rock, he will flourish for sure, but not more than the most, ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT HISTORY!!!!!!

Adult collie ears suddenly stand up - what to do?!?

I had a Canadian Champion who had pefect ears and at the age of nine years they went straight up and no one could answer why because it is not normal after they have been bent that long. I would just keep them taped between shows for about a year and see if that helps.

Im not having my period and not PG...?

I have amost all of the signs of PG, but im not, and i have been tested fo everything like stds, cysts, all kinds of everything and i still havent had a period my hubby and i are trying, adn just getting shot down. How come I am getting the short end of the stick and i havent had my period since dec 29 06 and its now march 9 07!happy new year to me huh? please help, any incite is greatly appreciated, thanks.

70cc scooter sputtering out at full-throttle?

The answer is a simple one .You are jetted too big at wide open throttle and fouling out the plug.Drop the slide needle down a notch or two and try it.If it persists you'll have to change your main jet.

Idioms sentences ?

idioms sentences: (( get the hang of it )) and (( get the knack of it )) Can you give me some sentences for example please.

Are Liberals guilty of the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations for Black people?

Yes. their "feel sorry" for black people mentality is what is keeping the black family down now.

What if I don't Want to attend my high school graduation ceremony?

What Will they do? Can they legally NOT GIVE ME my diploma... If, for a hypothetical example, my old public school sent me to an alternative school [and I Was very Well, through technicality, a public school student] could they just say I "have to partake in [their] ceremony" or else I can just take the alternative school's diploma... but, let's face it, Where are you going to get in life With and "alternative" diploma... It's sorta like an "alternative" drivers license, doesn't go over very Well, noW does it?

Nearly 6 months - is Congress actually going to do anything about real jobs?

No. the last thing the Republicans will do is do anything about real jobs before the presidential elections.


See www.originpc.com, then see EON 18, this laptop can be ordered with two video cards, 2x 285s or 2x HD 5870s, this should give you some ideas.Maximum PC magazine April 2006 has a great article on how to build your own gaming laptop. Go with two graphic cards, more is better.

If it's believed that Sarah Palin is dragging down the GOP ticket, is there a chance McCain will replace her?

There is ZERO chance that this will happen. Its just not McCain's style. He would not want to that and he could not bear how it would look for him to dump her at this point.

Why do I suddenly get cold feet?

So I like a boy I pursue him and finally get him I'll be head over heels in love and then BAM. I feel repulsed my boyfriends are always so nice but I have a problem they are fallin more in love with me and i'm pulling away. What's my problem I don't even control ot please it's ruined past relationships and I want to save this one. why do I do this?

Is this possible?

My Creative Writing teacher gave us an ignment in which we write a two-page paper without ANY adjectives or adverbs. I that possible. I tried, but I always seem to include an adjective.

Drew Peterson. Has murdered 2 wives, is engaged again. What do you think?

You know what, if the girl is stupid enough to become his fiance then well she deserves whats coming to her. And I'm not saying that the past wives deserved to be killed but how can you go into a marriage not knowing who you're REALLY marrying? Like their stupid for having the hots for a old murderer. You choosing to live and get married to a murderer? Your choice, your problem, and not mine.

Boyfriend says I'm disgusting?

he is verbally and emotionally abusing you....it will only get worse. please get out of this and go find somebody deserving of you

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I had bloodwork done...?

It would be okay to leave a message for you doctor, or his/her nurse practitioner, to call you back, confirming that everything's good and asking for a paper copy of your results. If you're still feeling wiped out, you should probably ask what the next step is toward feeling normal again.

How can I recover all my emails in the sent box that have been mysteriously deleted?

On yesterday, my email starting sending junk emails to several of my contacts without my knowledge (folks started calling me on the phone asking what was I sending). When I logged on today to check something in my sent box, I noticed that all my messages were gone! Please help!!! These were work emails.

Range of a blacklight?

How far with the light of a fluorescent black light reach if it's , 12", 18", or 24"?

Is there a chance that softball could be back because. ?

Well. the japanese beat team USA in the gold medal round so do they think now USA is defeated and it wasnt extra innings. even though USA didnt have their best game leaving so many runners on 2 times bases loaded the japanese won 3-1 . do you think it'll be back next year because of the japanese win ? what do you think of softball not going to be in the olympics

More help with Pokemon RUby...?

ok so im stuck on pokemon ruby. Im on Mt. Chimney and team magna is blocking my way to the cable car. wat do i do??? plz help :D

I a looking for the independent truck drivers union in chicago. is there a address for it?


Family Relationship Question. Advice, please.?

Try to see what you can do to make up with them. I'm sorry this had to happen to you. It seems your aunt wants a larger share of the inheritance? No clue. Hopefully they will realize they are wrong.

Why when your doing good for yourself people hate?

It's crazy when my life was going down hill and I felt like forget school everyone in my family encouraged me to do better. Now I changed my life and now school is my number 1 priority.And now its like where is all the people that were encouraging me to do better its like they dont want me to go no further. Its a reason I say that now let me tell you, im in med isting and when I finish in a couple months im starting LPN school.. Well I have a family member that does not want me to go. keep in mind someone who at first encouraged me to do better. I sit and try to think of reasons why I should not go but I cant think of any. Really there is no reason everything in going good in my life. What do yall think?

Where can I get a custom piece of jewelry made?

I have an idea of a ring I'd like to have. I want a white gold band eternity ring with alternating diamonds and sapphires...just medium sized, nothing too huge...I havent been able to find anything I like in the stores, so I was thinking of having them made (I'd be buying 3 of them.) WHERE would a good reputable place for me to go? I live in a large metropolitan area, so we have most chains here....is there on you'd recommend who offers this kind of service?

Is this poem really evil?

I don't think its 'evil'. I think its very well written, another view made with thought and contemplation. If this is yours, it is very well done. I would suggest more of its kind and publish, its fantastic ^_^

Christians come here?!?

if you say that we are terrorists, then answer this, is there not also christian terrorists? if you say that your religion is great, then why is it bias towards ******? and do not try to fool me by saying that the QUran says that Islam told its people to kill infidels. We only said that is one condition, they are attacking.. If you say that Jesus told you to love yourself and your neighbours why did you hate Muslims? Look in psat history, have we ever attacked you?! In every Christian/Muslim war we were defending! you might not hijack a plane and kill innocent people but you did take a plane and bombard innocent people. Osama bin Laden is not a true Muslim. The phrase Jihad means struggle it is meaning by struggling by your life. By fighting your urge. It only says little about holy war!!?

What is male PMS? .. only real answers plz, no discrediting of the idea.?

Males dont PMS but they do get into moods sometimes which is where the idea probably originates from.

Is it possible that this standard american bulldog is pure bred and not mixed with a pit bull? pics?

Definately not pure American Bulldog, and defiantely has pit in it's pedigree. Many bulldogs with cropped ears are mistaken for pits, but you can usually tell by the eyes and length of snout. Solid brindle coloring is also somewhat unusual for an American Bulldog. Very likely a cross somewhere in the line. Good looking boy though.

2003 toyota corolla radio not working but cig lighter is working can it be the fuse?

My car radio on my 2003 toyota corolla is not working. I think it might be the fuse, but the cigerette lighter is working only the radio is out. Is the problem the fuse or do I need a new radio?

What is the need and practicality of Regional Trade Agreement in WTO?

After whatever I have read about it, all I understand is that A regional trade agreement is an economic trade agreement to reduce tariffs and restrictions on trade between two or more nations within a certain region. Despite reading through some articles, I feel completely blank about the subject. Please can someone help me out !

Does anyone know where stolen acuras from Riverdale, NY go?

Ladies and gents, please if you have any inspiring words for the girl who treasured her stolen Acura Integra please please feel free....I cant stop crying. Its that stupid emotional attachment to cars that some of us get. We maintain our cars well, talk to them, tell them how good of a job they do on flooded roads or snow....well, my baby integra was stolen Friday night. Im sure I wont see her again, but I could really use some comforting in this area. First time Ive had my car stolen. She was all I owned and took such good care of. Some people view cars as cars, so if this is you you truly cant appreciate the bond between an owner and their car. If anyone has any inspirational thoughts/advice Id truly appreciate it. I cant stop breaking down into tears that i will never see her again...

How can I get my files from the external hard drive?

I took the hard drive from my old computer (it used XP) and hooked it up to my new computer (it uses Vista). I can get to the music and stuff from my husbands profile on the XP hard drive, but all my stuff won't open. I put a pword on all my stuff (we had nosey houseguests from time to time). He didn't. Is there anything I can do to get into my files? I want to format the XP hard drive, too. Will I lose everything if I do that?

If you are married in canada do you have to get a divorce before you can remarry in the US?

my boyfriend got married in canada over 10 years ago to another woman. they separated and she was to take care of the divorce. They were only married for about 5 months. Can he remarry in the US and it not be considered bigotry or illegal?

Hi i woul like to buy a webhosting package in yahoo (or) IXWebHostingin this they are offeing monthly income?

I read a few reviews and checked the uptime and speed records for IXWebHostinging and it all looks pretty good. We all know about yahoo, so I would say that whoever will give you the best package for the lowest price is the way to go.

Have you ever heard of this Native American tribe?

It's most likely a myth created by Native Americans. No traces of remains or evidence has ever been found.

My boyfriends gonna move out! Why? Help! Please!?

I live with my father and brother. My boyfriend moved in about 3 months ago. He wrote a letter, to get out of a parking infringement, and asked me to post it because he didnt have time to buy envelope, It said he was "temporarily" living here and that hes "moving back with is parents next year" (for contact reasons, i guess). This is the first I've heard that its "temporary", im so confused! I love him very much and we work though all our problems. Please help! Any help appreciated so much!

Do you think china should have gotten the 2008 olympics?

cos i mean they have such bad human rights and the air is really reali bad there so why did the people who decide who gets it next let them get it they are just almost like showing that if you treat people really reali bad you will get the olympics why didn't they just give it to zimbabwe well they were at it

What uniform is Italy wearing in 2010 World Cup?

Italy hasn't seemed to release their new jerseys yet, unless they are wearing those awful uniforms they had in the Confederations Cup. On worldsoccershop.com they just released a bunch of new jerseys for teams, but Italy isn't one of them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If a team plays a player who is suspended in the english football league, what is the punishment?

Hartlepool played gary liddle in the 2-0 win over Brighton on Monday , liddle had been booked against Orient on the Saturday so faced a 2 game ban but played on the Monday against Brighton. Does anyone know what the fa punishment is ?

Can a beneficiary's bank access the account?

Can the beneficiary's bank access the account that they are a beneficiary on to collect a payment for the beneficiary's delinquent account that has been deemed a fraudulent account?

Really? Do white people honestly wonder why we black men are so pissed off at them all the time?

I can understand why some people might feel angry towards white people, but there is absolutely no logic behind being angry at EVERY white person. The world is not as black and white as a lot of people seem to believe, we are all individuals at the end of the day.

Going to college in Mesa, Arizona what should I expect?

Hi I will be a student at a college in Mesa, AZ I am from Saudi Arabia and about to move there I was just wondering are the people there nice?

Ok. I have a question about guitars if anyone can help.?

I know that if I am playing the open "G" string and I want to sharp it. I have to fret the "G" string at the first fret. I also know that if I want to flat it I have to fret the fourth fret of the "D" string. Here's my question. If I'm playing the open "G" string, and I want to flat that "G" an octave higher. Don't I flat the "G" string at the 11th fret? Just curious.

Does anyone know the song...?

That played on the 5/19/2010 episode of One Life to Live when Cole and Starr were talking at the prom before the officer took Cole back to jail?

I need help this is for all the Martin tv show fans!?


Foxtrot music from the 1980's?

I am trying to have an 80's themed social dance night (ballroom). Chacha, two step, west coast, etc. shouldn't be too hard to find (but if you have any suggestions, fire away), and I found 4 1980's waltzes, but can you think of any 1980's foxtrots? Must be genuinely from the 80's, not the 70's or 90's...

I'm looking for an adverb which I can use to reinforce the adjective 'acclaimed'?

as in 'widely-acclaimed',but not using 'widely' . .I've run a test with 'deeply',and 'eagerly' and 'fully' - even trying 'heavily'- but they don't 'fit' and I'm stuck here . .

Which biology course should I take?

This is for college BTW. I already took general zoology and made an A in it. :) I need to know if I should take Vertebrate Zoology or Invertebrate Zoology? I am already going to be taking: general chemistry, art appreciation, anatomy and physiology w/Lab. Which cl is easier? Vertebrate or Invertebrate zoology? Also, which cl is more interesting?

Cold sore, canker sore? HELP PLEASE.?

i'm not sure what i have. but i was at my orthodontist 2 days ago, and they gave me a banana spray. that night i went to sleep and woke up with these two white things on each of the corners on my lips. its inside but its right on the corner. i can barely open my mouth, and it hurts really bad. everyday it seems to be getting worst. i was wondering if someone knew what is it, and how to treat it? thanks to everyone who helps:)

Anyone know the england croatia score?

i have not heard, and all the experts on here were telling us we were in for a whooping. so, what is the score please.

Calc help - parametrics?

arclength in parametric equations is [ds/dt]^2 = [dx/dt]^2 + [dy/dt]^2....leads to something like sqrt { a^2 + t^2] dt

Artesian well and building on top of it?

We are looking at buying a cottage that we fell in love with and recently found out it was built over the top of an artesian well. I've been trying to research what that exactly means and how detrimental that could be in the resale value in the future.

Beneficiary of mothers property?

My mothers home is going into foreclosure, she died this week leaving me the property in her will. Am I now responsible for this debt ? And if so what can I do to save her home?

I broke my calipers brake's screw inside of the caliper! New caliper needed? or what can I do?

I came to open the caliper to put on my new brakes and I broke the screw inside of the caliper. It's still holding on, but I can see the screw or where it broke off. have of the screw just fell out the rest is inside the hole, I can't see anything. Do I need to replace the whole caliper?

Generally speaking, do you prefer names with a C or with a K?

i like the girls names you listed with K, when i see a name that starts with C i think of the suh sound. like sara, siara, sarina, for some reason. but i like Jacob better than Jakob. to me, jakob looks like its pronounced jay kobe. i know its not but thats how it looks to me when i first glance at it lol.

My poodle mix dog has birthmarks on his tummy, but just recently they started getting darker. anyone know why

he is 2 years old and they used to be light, but for some reason, they are getting darker. anyone know why? is it normal or should i take him to the vet?

Xbox 360 unreadable disc problem?

My xbox 360 cant read discs properly. My gears of war 2 and cod waw say unreadable disc but there both almost brand new a few months old(tried at friends worked flawlessly). i called xbox my warranty ran out and i have to pay to get it fixed (why M$ are money hoggin basterds). If i buy a brand new 1 and switch it will it work or should i try purposely getting red rings? No immature, nonsence answers please.

Con someone recommend a varnish to coat aquarium decoration and prevent paint from coming off?

go to the pet store , where you bought it and ask the person who owns the store (or workers) what is happeneing.

Is it worth it to buy a 200 dollar paintball gun?

I started to play paintball this summer (08) and it is alot of fun. To start off I bought a Spyder Sonix. It is an alright gun for a beginner, but I want something that can be a little more reliable. I'm looking towards the Proto Slg 08, or Spyder Electra 08. Are these good reliable guns and is it worth 200 bucks for someone who maybe plays about 10 times a year? Thanks

96 dpi vs. 300dpi??

I need to save an illustrator file to 3 different versions and the have to be INLINE for web which means less than 1mg. each I need a 300dpi gif 96 dpi gif and a 300 dpi jpg. how can I do this from illustrator cs2?

Do you think i can dance???????????????

I made this video check it out and tell me what you think about it thanks my yahoo friends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK-Tlbs3GSo

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What do you think of Uggs and why?

I think that if they use already dead sheeps then its okay. If they just kill them for it then I find it very wrong! They should just use other non animal fabrics and stuff =)

Blown header gasket again?

how often the headers gaskets go bad? 2002 mustang gt 5 speed bbk shorty headers . gaskets go bad every 3 to 6 months. why?

What is this sharp stabbing pain in my left lower back, right above the waist.?

When it happens, it feels like i just got stabbed by a small knife, its enough to nearly drop me to my knees. What makes it odd after reading a ton of stuff about kidney stones is that the pain lasts for about 1/2 a second. Its literally gone right as i feel it. I've felt it about 10 different times in the last couple weeks. Never more than once a day, often its once every couple days. Its only happened while i was walking, and once while i was doing a seated lat row exercise.

Why are all americans on tv usually big sweaty fat guys?

for example, john goodman, kevin james, jim belucci, and homer simpson, i guess u all just eat doughnuts all day and say: 'DOH" whenever something unfortunate happens to you...

I need help!!?

Okay My computer is in serious errorness(?) It won't turn on even so it works sometimes when I debug it but lately it hasn't done that. It all started the other day, we were supposed to have a tornado so I turned it off and than unplugged it, ever since than it's been crap. So I need all you computer geniuses' out there to help me out.. Please? It'll be awhile before I get your answers because i'm using library/sisters computer.

What does it mean if my loan is not in repayment?

I went on my online loan portfolio but my loan was in default for about 2 years but I would like to start making payments but it just says its not in repayment.

Why are cheetahs more tolerant of humans than other large cats?

i read somewhere that scientists now claim that cheetahs are so relaxed that they can be domesticated. An experiment was conducted to see the tolerance level of wild cheetah against humans in their same enclosure. A few men, with only a tall stick (to defend themself if attacked) entered the enclosure of wild cheetahs and moved very slowly or stood still at a distance of about 100 feet from the cheetah. The cheetah never attacked the men with sticks, and wasn't interested in them. The experiment concluded that as long as humans don't run or bend near cheetahs, they will not be attacked. However, the same experiment when conducted with lion or tiger failed badly --- when the men entered their enclosure with tall sticks, the lion and tigers got so enraged, that they charged towards them -- the men then ran inside the van. The tigers/lions would attack human even if he didn't run or bend, but cheetahs won't, how come?

My question is regarding a lease?

i would suggest that you consult a lawyer immediately, and try to contact all of your main clients to make sure they don't leave you. you should also check the contract you had with your former managers, as you should have included a non-compete clause in their contract to prevent them from leaving you and starting a competitive business. on the surface of it, it seems as though you should win - but make sure you don't lose clients!

Need help! Slogan for transcription company.?

Typing speed 175 WPM. All types and phases of transcription including, medical, legal, insurance and business. Minutes, meetings and correspondence, etc. Fast TAT (fast turn around time). Ears can hear what others don't. Faster than lighting. Sound turned into words. Turning inaudible into audible.

I need to p a urine test?

I am going for a urine test for a job.i am a Chemotherapy patient, I take Oxycodone W/APAP 5/325 TAB, how long does it stay in your system?

Fuel injection system on GMC Vortec engine?

ive never heard of cleaning injectors... i know they can go bad from time to time. i would problebly go for the new system if you are shure thats the problem

Do you think my girlfriend will find this ONE part of my story offensive? Should I show it to her?

I think you should switch it out. You get captured, caged, and clad in a feather bikini. That'd be cool, right? She can come save your pimply, geeky, skinny little ***. Everyone's happy!

What was your interpretation of Denzel's character in The Book of Eli?

When I first saw the movie, it was in bits a pieces and I thought he was blind because of him wearing the sungles all the time and I caught the scene where the book was written in Braille. Then when I watched it again, what I took from it was that Eli was like a futuristic, violent version of Moses because of him hearing the voice that tells him to deliver a book, that turns out to be the Bible, to a specific location and making waste of anyone in his way in the process. Your thoughts. (no ignorant answers please, or you will be reported)

Ideas for a sad, short imaginative story?

i need some ideas for a short, imaginative story. i'm looking for something sad as they tend to be the best stories, any ideas? :)

I weigh 220 lbs, consume no more than 1200 calories per day and burn 400 at the gym. when will I weigh 170lbs?

I work out everday by the way burning 400 calories on the elyptical machine. Shouldn't there be a science to it or a way to approximate with a good degree of certainty when I will reach my goal (170 lbs?)

Do you think Obama might want a World Wide Islamic Revolution?

There is much evidence in and around his life- who he is friends with that lead up to this- Islamic Revolution is the same thing as the Jihad movement and when all the Hate began to grow in the world and violence!

Digital SLR Camera Lenses Compatibility?

Sony is compatible to Konica Minolta, which Sony has acquired a few years back. Compatibility is limited to same brand only. That's the whole point of using brand specific propriety mounts. If you wish to use Canon in the future, get a Canon now!

Catholics are more tolerant towards Islam than other religions or sects? ?

I know a lot of Catholics more tolerant and have a worldly view of Islam meaning diverse. Evangelicals definitely dont. Well, thats my opinion. Tell me your opinion I dont want to conflict people's beliefs. Also many Catholics are more likely to convert towards Islam. Take Europe for example in the mainly Catholic regions where Muslims are a slight majority and not much havoc is made.

My pride is KILLING me?

I think I care to much about what people think for the sole reason that I don't want to be seen like I’m below them. I hate being put into positions that show me as inferior or like a peasant in a sense. Here’s an example: I am graduating high school very soon and my family wants to do something after the ceremony, but I would just rather not do anything, or just go out to eat. Why? Well my family is small, so we would just go to my sisters, like what the five of us!!! F that, just thinking about it makes me upset. Or maybe I just don’t want the attention on me, that scares me to. So why don’t I want to go to my sister’s after I graduate for a simple small get together?? That’s the friggen question.

How to file A&K, Advertising, Allegiance. Also, SF Bakery and Sioux Falls Distribution?

My thinking was A&K would go at the very beginning of the A's and not between Advertising and Allegiance. also, SF Bakery and Sioux Falls Distributing to me, should be filed next to each other and not SF before the Shear Clips file.

Forgotten book title. A girl gets the power to change into animals..Finds one friend he too can change.?

In the book a young girl is given an animal pelt on her birthday. (i think it just randomly appeared on her bed) She touches the pelt and then finds she can later turn into any animal she wants. Later in the book she turns into a chipmuck I think......and encounters a very playful squirrel. Some time later in the book she finds out that squirrel was another kid that could turn into animals as well. (the boy that can change into animals I think had a pact with the rats I'm not sure) When the Boy and girl meet as humans he tells her the power dosent last forever that it goes away at a certain age ( i forget what age) Then the boy and the girl are told to go to the artic to stop some kind of monster that had been causing trouble ( i foget who told them to go to the artic but the monster I think was a yeti) Well at this point in the book I skipped ahead and read that the boy at the end turned into a Pheonix.. So that is as much as I remeber if anyone can tell me the title of this book I'd be ver grateful.

How much is too much?

ok i get to dress this guy up (who is also my crush) for one day at school. i get to dress him however i want but it has to be school appropriate (cant do crossdressing, bandanas, skimpy outfits, blood, etc.) i want it to be funny, not stupid, funny. how do i dress him? i dont want to do the opposite"goth to prep" thing or the "Jock to nerd" thing, something orig, funny, and easy. so how do i dress him?

Why do atheists confuse "christianity" with the theocratic government that opposed science in the past?

Is it a deliberate and conscious distortion or are they not aware that most of those scientists themselves had christian beliefs?

Which European teams will finish in the top two spots for World Cup 2010 qualifying?

italy will always progress from group of death stages while your any of a sissy and idiotic team play cheap teams so you azzurri man's haters are just bunch of sissy fagers who always report azzurri man's wonderful and NON-sissy questions unlike the questions i saw on the list.

Are 1998-2002 Pontiac firebird Trans Ams rare??

I am thinking to buy possibly a 2000-2002 T/A with a six speed only and that has under 80000. Is it hard to find preferably at a dealership? Can I go to a pontiac or any dealership and "order" one? Any help is appreciated

New ownership of a business won't honor a gift certificate worth $600 I had purchased from previous owners

Here's the deal. I had purchased a gift certificate from a spa in Costa Mesa, CA worth $600 for a friend back in Oct 2006. Since then, the spa had transfered new ownership. The new owners said that they will not honor the certificate because they are not responsible for the past owners liabilities. The company name is still the same just new owners. This is a service that I had paid for and is not being met. Now I wouldn't care if it was less than $100, but it is $600 freakin hard earned money that I gave as a gift to cheer up a friend. Is there any law in California that prevents this kind of stealing from consumers. Note, my purchase was on record, you would think that someone would inform any gift holder of the new ownership changes.

What could help with this?

my boyfriend wants to know how he can have a perky bum as it sags a little bit, what fun sport or exersize could help with this?

How do I change the background beyond a max-width without having to change all of my pages?

Allow me to explain further... I currently have a max-width set for the body on my .css file. That works fine, so I do not want to change it. The problem is that the whole page looks so stark now, and for higher resolutions it's a big white space to the right of the max-width. I realize I can change the body background color, add a div cl and put divs around the content of all the pages. The problem is that this would be time consuming, and I have things installed such as gallery2 and wordpress that seem a bit tricky to override. I should also mention that all my pages have a php extension, and I'm using php includes to add my header/menus to all the pages. That causes the main .css file to affect everything, even if it is not linked to that particular page. Before I start changing every page, I would like to know if there's an easier way to change the background of the area to the right of the max-width, where the content ends. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

Will anyone trade pokemon with me?

sorry i have no shinies but i have these treecko, totodile, charmander, lapras, togepi and ditto if u still want them my fc is 2450-9179-1199

What would you do?

first of all im not asking this because im nosey or trying to get in someones business! I am concerned for this 7 week old baby!! My cousin and his girlfriend have a 7 week old baby, keep in mind they are ex- heroin addicts who have supposely been clean for 5 years, well the mother of the baby has been popping strong pain pills since the day the baby was born, she goes to her dentist and keeps getting refills and shes so high on pills she doesnt hear the baby crying while shes sleeping, also she doesnt feed the baby right, she props the bottle! This baby is 7 weeks old, im worried for the baby, and the mother is always reuring everyone she only takes these pain pills for her tooth ache, but that is getting old. Its been going on for 7 weeks now and shes always messed up! What should I do? tell department of children services, tell her how it is or what?

Has anyone taken the first TSA exam?

when you go to take the test, they tell you not to discuss the test with anybody. all i can say is that it isn't that hard ,just take your time and pay attention.also don't expect any calls for along time .i tested last December and still am told that i will get a call.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What do you think of this rap? whos is better?

The bottom one just sounds like he's trying to be offensive like trying to act hard that rap is just bad it sounds like something a child in a school yard would say trying to be a ghetto gangster. But both raps are bad they have no pion in them it's just someone shouting abuse.

HD TV Cables?

I have a HD TV but I do not have HD Cable Box. I am using a Coax Cable and was wondering if I hook up the S-Cable if it would make any difference in the picture. NOt sure and i don't want to go to the trouble if it does nothing.

What do i feed a wild caught garter snake?

I am going to catch a garter snake some day this week and just want to know what i should feed it? Should i feed it crickets, pinkies(which i doubt it will eat) im not very good with wild caught on feedings.

What legal obligation did google have to out the blogger, Rosemary Port?

Defamation is illegal and the court found that the model had a reasonable claim of defamation and was entitled to know the identity of the blogger. It's perfectly legal for a court to order a company to provide information in discovery and a company that refuses to follow a court order faces fines and contempt orders. She has no chance of winning a dime in her case against Google. It was following a lawful court order.

I need some thoughts on my situation here...?

You did fine, don't worry. If you're really concerned about it, find a way to fit into your conversation with them next time that you were sorry about being a little nervous last time.

Predict How might an animal's ability to move change if its backbone were rigid like a metal tube?

Its movements would depend entirely on joints on the limbs, like most robots. It would be more difficult to share the body's weight and vertical acceleration loads among the limbs. and without spinal flexibility the impact loads would be much worse. Different gaits (e.g., a horse's walk, canter, trot and gallop) would be difficult since spine motion can ist in implementing fore-and-aft limb motion differences.

I recently have torn my acl and my doctor says i must do 4 to 6 months of rehab.?

I was wondering is tearing your acl the worst leg injure, and if not what leg injury takes a longer time to totally recover from (how long of rehab).

Im going to deliver at Kaiser in San Diego can anyone tell me about what to expect?

i know nothing about this hospital and i can't seem to find a website with any information or pictures. any and all info you guys can give me would be great!

So, if the Frankenbot used human brain cells, would it have a "soul"?

The carnal man(the body) and the spiritual man(the soul) are two different entities. The soul can live without the body, but the body cannot live without the soul. So! Now we have a metal rat, wonder what kind of trap to use.

Now the depression appears to be better should we talk about our relationship??

Yes, but gently. Don't push her back into a depression. If she says that she is not ready or does not want to go back, just let it go. She is in a very delicate stage right now. The doctor has just taken her off her medication. There is no way to tell how this will change her. It takes a couple of weeks to a month to get the drug out of your system. Also, the doctor has to ween her off of it or she could become suicidal. You must be supportive, if you really care for her.

Why are Stephanie Zacharek's movie reviews so overwhelmingly negative and often contrary to the concensus?

I've known her professionally for years. Like anyone, she has her own unique taste in movies. She doesn't intentionally disagree with popular opinion...she just says what she thinks. Not everyone has the same taste (and thank goodness for it).

How many concerts have u been 2??

ive been 2 6. 2 billy gillman 1 backstreet boys(hey i was 6!) hooty and the blow fish the fire and this thing called the dollar bank jamboree. its were all kinds of artists perform and that year there was lonestar deirks bently julia robert and the poverty neck hillbillys. so how bout u?

Is this the REAL solution to mental illness?

Will all of the world's mental illness be cured if we all just delude ourselves into artificial happiness with the help of religion?

Removing mineral deposits?

calcium? buildup real heavy on used tank, used at half full. 300 gallon. Tried vinegar and razor. still thick and tedious.

Possible offseason trades & moves?

...a very possible move may be to a Georgia State Corrections Facility 4 a certain idiot quarterback from southwestern Pennsylvania...

Nickname for my friend kelsey?

my friends name is kelsey mercer, i wanna give her a cute nickname that has to do with her name. she doesnt like key-key though or mercy. please help ! all answers are helpful thank you so much !!! :)

AP tests and college credit?

Elective credit means you can count the units toward the minimum graduation unit requirement (you have to have certain number of units before you can graduate, aside from completing all the required courses). Course credit means you can skip out on taking certain required courses.

Sprained Ankle/Mive Swelling and Bruising?

Ice, elevation and anti-inflamatories. Also, invest in a stirrup style ankle brace (which you would probably be put in after a doctors visit anyways). Wear the brace for the next 4-6 weeks and any time you play basketball. Base your activity level on your pain level--if it hurts, don't do it.

Would it be bad luck Aliens teleported magma to use energy to complete a warp travel towards Earth’s invasion?

I've really tried to figure what you're getting at. I think any alien invasion would be bad luck, with or without magma. aaaaaiiiiiieeeee!

Are new tag team belts on SVR 2011? (+BQ)?

Maybe it's downloadable like Lex Lugar. Lex frickin Lugar...really? Why not Barry Windham or Sid Vicious or Flyin' Brian? Heck, I'd even be happy with that big goof, Ice Train. Choo choo! I hope they don't use the Narcissist Lex Lugar music.

The second coming of christ: cruise control?

So they say jesus is suppose to come back and lead all his people to heaven. The Y2K scare has long since past and still there’s no sight of the white robed holy roller. Some would conclude that this means there is no such thing as the god. being an imaginative fellow I thought up another conclusion to why jesus ditched humanity. The first time jesus lived we nailed him up to a cross and left him for dead so why would he come back and set himself up to get killed again? I’d like to think if christ came back he'd be in a small efficiency with a beat up geo metro station wagon that has a copy of the spin doctors stuck in the cd player.

When you turn your wii on at the main screen what are all the empty boxes for???

when you turn your wii on and there is the game the weater mii channel and stuff what are the extra empty boxes for because there is like 3 pages of em

Did Kelsey Grammer ever say what he thought of Prop 8?

I've never heard if he commented or not. I know he's a Republican, but one of his closest friends and co-stars from 'Frasier' is David Hyde-Pierce who was married to Brian Hardgove before Prop 8 was introduced...

Aggressive Skating, Can somebody tell me how to land topside tricks on ledges?

Every time i try to get on a ledge with a topside my wheels just rub on the top of the ledge, do i need to lean away from the ledge more or what?

Information on poet?

Does anyone know anything about the poet Nicola Tyson? (Simple biographical details such as background, place of birth, beliefs etc.)



Would you punish for this or just have a discussion or what?

If this is your worst problem with a 14 year olds behavior I congratulate you on good parenting. I agree it's no big deal. Just talk about it and remind him how many easily offended people are out there in the public realm. Writing an apology is a good idea, but for me that's enough. No need to punish unless he does it again right away.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Herbal Essences shampoo/conditioner?

It depends on your type of hair. I have wavy frizzy hair too, and it didn't work for me. It did make my hair less frizzy though! :)

Can I connect more than 5 devices to the Belkin F5L009 USB HUB?

I don't see a problem with it as long as the stuff isn't being powered via USB. If they have AC adapters use them.

According to Neil Bohr energy of electron......?

According to bohr,energy of electron equation...E2-E1 > E3-E2 > E4-E3...(E stands for energy and > stands for greater)Please solve my problem,its my ignment to calculate the values...THANKS ALOT :)

Is there an advantage to being heavier in tennis?

Both Rafa and Federer are 190 at 6'1. Doesn't that seem a bit for a sport that's all running and technique not brute strength?

Is this normal if im pregnant?

long story put short my period was 4th jan eneded 9th jan my partner went dr 9th they said have on 11th day of her cycle on 15th jan we did he didnt at all for 2 whole weeks we then had on 15th. im keeping tract of my period and by the sounds of it i should come on about 30th jan but before a period starts a week before my are very very sore but nothing this month they are a tiny bit sore on the nipple but on top of the its very tough and hard my have deffintly swollen and when i was ovulating i got that clear stickt discharge so i past ovulation that was 9 days ago or summit but yesterday night i went loo and found more of this discharge i dont know if it was clear or not it looked like it but it was sticky like ovulation discharge i just wiped twice and it went is this a sign of pregnancy also past 9 days i got really angry for no reason please help no rudeness xxxx

Ticket tout gone bust- and iv no tickets?

can anyone give me advice please, i have pais �100 for two justin timberlake tickets for next monday, the tickets have not arrived, and i have just found out that the company i have bought them off, ticket tout, has gone bust. there is no phone line to ring or website, any ideas what to do? thank you

20 metre sprint!!!! time?

iv started to do shuttle sprints to build up speed for football.... im currently sprinting 20 repetitions of 20 metres... with a 10 sec break in between ... so far my fastest time is 3.2 seconds.... btw im not a sprinter or taking this too seriously... im 16 and male .... is it good, average, or bad for a young footballer?

What do you think of these shocking and heartless replies?

Actually, I found a couple of these complaints legit - these guys paid attention to red flags - but most of them are just typical of the dating world. A lot of people dig up excuses when the reality is that they're just not into the person or really aren't ready for a relationship.

Unexplained pain and symptoms?

Ok, so long story short, i have had a lot of symptoms and no one has figured it out yet. this is my 2nd bout of this. It starts with abd pain, both abdominal and pelvic and is now in my back. It feels like my kidneys...Food does not effect the pain and it is always there. It lasted about 6 weeks last time and has been going on 3 weeks already this time. I have had a Ct scan, endoscopy, and us and everything has been normal. The only thing that has shown this time is some blood in my urine per my dr. I went thismorning for some bloodwork..urinalysis and such. Also checking my thyroid. I had a high t3 level back in june around the same time as the last bout...I also have been peeing an awful lot lately, bladder always feeling full. No pain or burning or anything tho. I have noticed my hair is falling out more than normal too and i seem to have sporatic pains in my joints....please any advise what direction to look....feel bad all the time and in much pain!

Question about radiology report?

I recently had to go to the ER for severe abdominal pains. 2 years ago i had a complete small bowell obstruction and had a small bowel resect. So these new pains were of concern to me. The ER did bloodwork and took an x-ray and told me they don't know whats wrong and to follow up with my GI Dr. Well she's away untill the 27th, but my question is...on my home from hospital, I was reading the radiology report and it said " appendix looks good." I had my appendix removed years ago. They didn't even mention my appendix to me. Could they have seen something that looked like an appendix, but obviously isn't? is there any disorders that could mimic an appendix on an x-ray? Thanks.

Now that the Clintons have released their tax returns for the lat 7 years, as well as Hillary's WH papers?

The Clintons tax return showed they paid their fair share of taxes and gave a sizeable amount to charity. Too bad, I think Obama was hoping to find something he could use against her. He may not have his records, but I am sure someone will dig them up. How convenient of him not to have them. Seems he cant stand up to his own scrutiny.

The refs tonights game?

4th Quarter here we go, they're letting the cavs smack dwight howard, meanwhile they cant put a pinkie on Lebron without a foul being called. Other then that they arent doing so bad right?

Drop M. Thornton 4 Tyreke evans?

stick with thorton. even if reke comes back it will probably take some time to get back to his self and playing good ball. you are in the playoffs and thorton is producing. don't bring someone in that there is always a ? on if they are going to get it done. and remember if you do drop thorton there is a good chance he will be picked up by someone else.

A question about you guys and girls about pubic hair?

use a beard trimmer to get it down short then use a razor blade to shave it smooth. use one of those mach 3's or fusions. when the hair starts to grow back, it will be itchy. when that happens, just shave it again. after the first time, shave it like every other day for about a week. then you can go 2 or 3 days between shaves. that will help it not itch. and after a while, you can go a whole week without shaving. i always say the smoother the better. i just love a bald smooth cooch.

How interesting is being a police officer?

I want to be a police officer, however it is a large commitment. I was wondering if there was a police officer that could tell me how often cops do things like domestic disturbance and how often they have to sit around giving tickets. I will be doing a ride a long very soon but my curiosity is overwhelming right now.

On sims3 where do i buy a play table? it says my sim wants buy 1.?

i been lookin for days now, im not playin an expanson pk just the sims 3, well it says "get" so im confused lol

Brazil's second goal against Ivory Coast?

I'm currently watching Brazil and Ivory Coast and the ball hit Fabiano's arm twice before it went in. The first it hit was right above his hand, than below his shoulder. And the second one you can clearly see him pop his shoulder, changing the initial outcome. Isn't that a hand ball? I'm confused about hand because Ghana scored a penalty goal against Serbia after the ball hit a players arm, clearly he didn't change direction. So whats a handball? :)

Is this possible?

i had Miscarriage at 3rd of may no DNC . after M/C i got my 1st period and at 7th and 8th day of my period i had my period are very regular and 28 days cycle i am over 40.is this possible i can get pregnant after M/C

Is Paul Macartney a fraud and shameful political pawn with his Israel tour?

I asked this yesterday but the resident trolls had it deleted.My question is why does this guy keep meddling in international hotbeds (like after the 9/11 bombings in New York)?Why antagonise Palestinian people already suffering because of Jewish occupation and murder?when London was bombed by terrorists in 2005 I never heard him then,or when Irish terrorists were blowing up mainland Britain!.Why doesn't this idiot take a look at the city of his birth Liverpool and do something for the poverty and violence there,even asking a simple question on Yahoo about this ailing pop singer(most of Israel wont even remember the Beatles)gets you a deletion or insulted by individuals who then troll you,well tough!!It's a free country,get a life anyone an opinion?

Should i be worried about my boyfriend?

So my bf is friends with this skank. She was into him and told him so before we even got together. And she's always trying to get him to go over to her house and trying to get him to talk to her and help her with stuff. But he always reures me that he adores me and only wants me. And i really feel like he's different from most guys. We had a huge fight about it tonight, and he promised me he'll never do anything with her. But should i be worried??? I've been cheated on before by other guys.

I have a Misdemeanor that is not showing up on my record .....?

I was caught stealing gas from a car from the Dalworthington Police Dept. in Arlington, TX almost two months ago and I checked my record from two sites that show your criminal record and it didn't show up on either one. I went to jail and in the morning the next day, they set me free and I didnt even see the judge. Is this a pending case or will it ever show up on my record? I am wanting to join the Air Force and I don't want to tell them that I have a misdemeanor on my record esp. if it won't ever show up. PLEASE HELP!!!!

What did the worm do???

the worm didnt do a thing, the reason why they have it so bad is because they are so insignificant, everyone just wants to treat them badly

I need translation of this russian please!?

Please, remove my darling drunken comment from your avatar... I would be very grateful! specifically - I meant comment under your main photo!

Is my pricing strategy legal, or considered price fixing?

it seems silly but not illegal. most retailers are going to want a fair cut. plus some retailers will not even work with you if you can't show proper supply. you need to find a local retailer who will support you through a test market study. good luck with your product.

I've been told I have no feelings......?

I HATE St. Valentine's Day. I really really do. I think that it is just one of those days where you can swerve off your diet to eat chocolate until your sick...kinda like St. Patty's day without the drinking. Or a couple having until neither can move. It's just another one of those Hallmark holiday's that you have to have someone special in order to celebrate. Well what if we don't have someone special or if we always get broken up with right around then? What day is there for us lonely single people in the world? Sure when I was little my parents used to buy my sister and I stuff for V-day, but now it has no meaning. Don't you couples get your anniverseries to celebrate and candy and dimonds on???