Monday, January 9, 2012

POLL: What do you think about school violence?

For the third time in a little over a week a bomb threat was discovered. This is serious this time. Everyone was told to go to the gym. Our cl had to go in the cafeteria to finish a Physics test (which was hard) and sit there for an hour taking the test while everyone else was in a gym. The kids seem to be suspended and come back. The problems go and come back. The bomb squad was called as well as the firetrucks. Were the actions taken proper? It seems this stuff continues to go on. We never had stuff like this in previous years. It was rare for something like this to happen. Now the school is becoming mor violent. Hopefully not as violent as Albany, NY schools. They are terrible sometimes. It is a damn shame. Can't get an education with these idiots running around. Still don't know you did it. It also seems to be the younger kids in like 9th and 10th grade. The 11th and 12th graders are more mature.

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