Saturday, January 7, 2012

Do spirits/entities dislike when changes are made to a house?

I have to the full acceptance that my house is haunted. I live near Native American burial mounds and have had experiences in my house all of my life. (Objects moving, footsteps, a shadow figure, doors opening and closing themselves including undoing locks) Ah the list could go on forever. For the most part i'm not afraid anymore of the spirits in my house as they don't seem malicious or evil. But I just have a question. Do spirits/entities "dislike" when things are changed in the house? This past week I've completely rearranged the furniture in my room and now there have been things happening nonstop. Number one, since i've rearranged my furniture, the lightbulb in my nightstand light keeps burning out, turning on, and in a few instances the entire lamp has been knocked to the floor. None of the nightlights I try to use will work (they either won't work when I plug them in in my room and work fine else where, or they will work for a while and then burn out during the night). Even the kitchen light has turned on in the middle of the night, and on another night the broken fan above the stove has turned on. These aren't electrical problems (as some will, i'm sure, suggest) nothing of this sort has happened since the day I made the changes, I feel it is paranormal. Again, my question is could it be because I've moved some things around that I've upset these spirits/entities?

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