Saturday, December 31, 2011

I have re-written parts of this poem, does the personification work?

I did not see the original. I've taken off the kid gloves because you have grown into a contender. In my opinion, the word "an" is the only clunker in this effort. I would rather fall 'in' the river. Just me.

Christan is overrated and not that talented?

hes not overrated imo he showed he could be main event in tna before it went to crap in 07 but you are overestimating his push the wwecw belt is not that prestigous of a belt it really shouldnt be called ecw cause when was the last time it was defended in an extreme match im seriously asking cause i truly dont know when. when other wrestlers have returned from orginizations they got as big of pushes or bigger than christian plus vince doesnt like him so hes probably not going to win anyway. BQ: Swagger cause wwe needs some kind of heel other than mayrese to hold a title.

What's the best 9mm JHP ammo for a Glock 26?

your Winchester elites will work fine in it. 124 grain is a heavier 9mm round so it is slower moving than the common 115 grain. 124 grain would be best for heavier impact with less over of the target.

Can someone read my cover letter?

Get rid of the "XXX" at the end! Also, get an accented "e" on the word "resume" if you can. And say "attached" instead of "enclosed" unless you are actually writing a physical letter.

Would they notice/bother if a non-college guy crash one of those frat college party to hook up?

how would they notice? would they really care if you are not from the college, or as they say, a brother?? can you pay your way thru? I just find college girls are hot and easy than the rest of them at clubs or bars.. ^over 30... not good..

Blue screen of death incidence gone for now; what happened?

After I reformatted my laptop, I had several incidences of the blue screen of death, although I didn't know anything about it then. (Well I think it is the blue screen of death--the screen suddenly becmes blue saying there was an error, then reverts back to the windows program just as suddenly with a dialog box saying the system's recovered from a serious error.) The last time I had it, I had to reboot--the system wasn't reverting back to windows. For several weeks I didn't use the laptop for long periods, then gradually I began increasing my usage times. Surprisingly but not unwelcomingly, I haven't had any instances of the blue screen of death since then. I was thinking it was because my hard drive was getting old, but logic (faulty, maybe?) tells me I should be getting more instances of the blue screen. Any ideas on what happened then?

What should my 4 year old know before going to school?

They told my son he needed to know: how to write first & last name, phone number , adress, city , state, count to 100. Other things I did to prepare him were doing site words .& teaching him all the sounds each letter in the alphabet makes.

What is wrong with me...?

Wow...this is is a hard situation. I suggest staying away from this environment as soon as possible. There is no doubt that this is what is causing the stress. I am sure others will say the same thing. I am in college myself and I know that there is winter housing available. You can maybe look at a apartment with a close friend. Take those opportunities if you can afford it. You should not have to come home and face that mess again. I wish you strength, forgiveness later in life, and healing.

How Do I Clean My Xbox 360 Game Disc?

Is There AnyThing I Can Do To Clean It, The Disc Plays For 2 Min Then Says Unreadable Its Aggravating Because It Was Working Perfectly Yesterday

Do you find s who are also feminists to be humorless?

That lezzie is extreme...just like the straights have got their crazies...they're not all bad, but they sure do stick out like a sore thumb, huh? I think what you do is awesome! Softball is exercise, and who doesn't need a healthy hobby? Who doesn't love keg beer and s on Bikes is an awesome organization! Rock on sister! ;)

Do you think a European Child Alert system would work?

If it only helps to find one missing child a year it will be well worth it. The alternative is nothing at all. Missing children deserve more than that .

Hanging out at the airport?

Ditch the airport! I understand it is fun for you.. same as me as a little kid. Running around in the terminal lol! Try out for some sports teams with your friends or go to the park or hang out anywhere!

Female masturbation ideas?

So I'm an 18 year old girl and I masturbate quite frequently. I was wondering if you have any suggestions to shake things up a little. How can make my s stronger? Are there any cool neat ways you girls ? Any input or suggestion is dandy thanks!

What were the perceived deficiencies in the Army psychiatrist's medical training that lead to treason?

Deficiencies in training...none. Neglect on the part of superiors not identifying a problem...many. Good luck to you

Can i buy a car with bad credit?

I have really bad credit. And one repossed car. I got laid off and am getting UI benefits for the time being. I own a 98 civic but its in pretty bad shape and i need something more reliable in able to have a decent job. Im not a lazy bum, and I made some mistakes when i was young and i want to start fixing my credit. But i need a new car. Is it even possible for me to get a car with bad credit, a repo and on benefits as my source of income?

Hello i'm a student from middle school and I need help. Should teenage pregnancy get euthanasia?

NO! Euthanasia is NOT the answer. The person has to deal with what happened, and going into euthanasia or suicide is NOT the answer. We were not created to kill ourselves.

4% interest in a limited partnership?

I am doing a tax case for school and this married couple have a 4% interest in a limited partnership. They are looking at a ordianry loss of $2100, long-term capital gain of $600, charitable contributions of $500, and cash distributions of $2400. What are the tax effects on this and which form would it go on? ... I was thinking there was supposed to be a certain % for limited partnerships to realize a gain or loss, but I don't remember???

Many worker bees give their lives to save a bee hive from an attack by bears or other animals. In such cases,?

None of the above is the correct answer. D. is not it either. Scientists often mistakenly believe that kin selection is why bees voluntarily give up reproduction, but there were detractors early who thought that it was parental manipulation that results in the sacrifices made by infertile insect workers. Suppose we look back to the early history of the evolution of eusociality. Suppose there were two queens. One of which carries gene(s) which causes her daughters to fight to their deaths to protect the hive and the other queen does not. It is not difficult to see that the queen with the altruistic daughters is more likely to survive an outside attack and live to reproduce her gene(s), which codes for daughters that will fight to protect the hive. The other queen, whose daughters do not sacrifice themselves to protect the hive, will likely be destroyed and never had the chance to p her genes on to future generations. In both cases the degree of relatedness between the queen and her daughters is the same but the outcomes are quite different. Hence kin selection alone cannot explain why atruism evolved. Besides, the termites are eusocial and they are diploid, so a termite's daughter is not more cloesly related to her sister than to the queen. Degree of relatedness therefore fails to explain the evolution of eusociality in termite. However, parental manipulation can, because a queen that can manipulate her daughters to sacrifice themselves will be more fit than another queen that lacks such ability to manipulate.

Can I give a gun as agift?

I live in Florida and am getting ready to purchase a Glock 27 to give to my 20 year old boyfriend for Christmas. What are the state laws in Michigan? Can we put it in his name bc it is a gift. He does not have his CCW. What do I need to do in order for the firearm to be in his name? He is only 20 years old, no ciminal record.

Who do you think should buy the carseat?

If a high school student picks a 3 year old up from daycare a few days a week and wants a car seat to keep in her car,should the 3 year old's parents buy it,or the high schooler?She is getting paid for all of it,like watching her and everything.

What watt bulb should I use in my lamp?

I have a old shag style lamp that hangs from the ceiling it has a gl ball around the light bulb. The part that you screw the bulb into has been replaced once or twice. This light is being used in a bedroom. i am not sure what watt bulb i can or should use, any advice?